Black Pepper Essential Oil 10ml


Botanical Name - Piper nigrum.

Common Name – Black pepper.

Folk Names – Black Spice Seeds, Pepper Plant.

Parts used – Unripe fruits.

Extraction method – Cold distillation.

Magickal use - Black pepper helps to rid one of cold and stagnant energies in the body. It stimulates and encourages movement so great for getting rid of any energies you know longer need, be they in the body, mind, spirit or home. Added to massage oils it helps to ease tired and sluggish muscles and stiff joints. It is energising for the mind and strengthens the nervous system especially if we feel we are stuck in our ways and need a new direction or at least encourage us to make a turning point. As black pepper is a stimulating oil it said to have an aphrodisiac effect so used in love and lust blends. Add to herb mixes, incense and oil burners for protection, travel, dissipating negativity and cleansing a stressful area or situation. Comes in a 10ml glass dripulator bottle, label may differ from picture.

Caution – Avoid using it late at night if you are wanting to sleep!