(Scutellaria lateriflora)
Aka American Skullcap, Helmet Flower, Hoodwort, Mad-Dog, Madweed, Quaker Bonnet and Scullcap.
Native to North America and Europe, Scutellaria is a genus of flowering plants in the Mint family, Lamiaceae. The name is derived from the Latin “Scutella” meaning a small dish that refers to the shape of the calyx.
The leaves are used in folklore to cast spells to remove disharmony and negative influences and to enhance calmness, peace and uplifting energies. Said to be used in the treatment of Rabies in the 19th century. Skullcap aids mental powers and inducing visions, it works well with matters of the head, crown and third eye chakras. Organic 20gm.
Caution – not to be used by pregnant women.