The Cats of Wycksted form a very important part of our website.
Over the years we have had many, many cats and other critters join our family. Many of the Cats have been rescued from various areas (and humans) in New Zealand. Ranging in ages, these Cats now live their days out in an area where they have room to live, play and be - cats. Wycksted in amongst a rural farming area of the Kaipara and offers a great setting to all animals that come our way, including wildlife. Each Wycksted Cat has his or her own individual personality, but they all live together in harmony, with only the odd disagreement. Magickally they all offer their paw where needed, some being more inclined to work in candle magick, the Black Bear Apothecary, but most volunteer for the Kitchen Witchery. (we all know why)
A percentage of all sales from Wycksted goes towards their well-being including food, veterinary care and other needed items. They all have a place in Wycksted and continually offer their support, love and magick to all. To avoid any hurt feeling or ruffled whiskers we have listed them alphabetically and those who have since passed we remember them and they are always in our hearts and spirit.
Should you like to donate to Wycksted for help with our animals and wildlife, details are at the bottom of this page.
November 1st 2016 just having dinner and I hear the faint sound of a kitten crying outside on the deck. Go outside and there is a small and manky looking striped kitten about 5 weeks old and trying to get some food as the other cats are eating. Sees me and runs off under the house so off I go of course. After what seemed hours of lying under a low building in the mud and water I eventually coaxed the kitten close enough to see that there was a plate of food there then I went off and watched from a distance as it came out and ravenously ate. It was now dark so I hoped it would be alright, it seemed to be about 5 weeks old approx. No sign of it the next morning but around dinnertime it was there crying for food. This time when it saw me it ran off but under a part of the cat house where it could not go any further under or out. I did the 'lay a trail of cat food and biscuits' for it and after a long time of holding my breath, being oh so close and waiting, it eventually got close enough for me to grab. Skinny, hunched back, weak back end, a lump on its back and could not walk straight with its tail dragging it was a very sorry sight. It really made this Leo's heart hurt! So we got him inside, warmed up and feed and within literally minutes after eating it sat in my hand and rubbed its head into me and did a cute flop and snuggled! What an awesome feeling. So I am happy to say that nearly a week later he had been wormed, (so many worms out of a small kitten) the lump that was an abscess was broken and cleared up (thank the Gods I was a vet nurse, really does help in these matters) his back legs are getting stronger and he can walk and run in a straight line after the help of gentle physio. So with good food, warm bedding and lots of love and cuddles this little fella is doing really well. So there we have it, it seems that once a year a kitty carnival goes by our place and a wild kitten is dropped off or left behind for us. Another cat to our already large feline family, but what are you going to do? When they look at you and the trust and bond that hits your heart...And as for the name? Why Arthur Pendragon of course.
So years later Arthur is doing fabulously well and spends his days wrestling and pushing his boundaries with the other cats. His given birthday is 23rd September.
Meet our beautiful Dusty Moonshine Cat aka Mac Dubh or Buster Moon. Living at the neighbouring farm for most of his life he decided to pack up and move across the paddocks and into ours. A most welcome chap he is very independent (as most Cats are) enjoys his own routine but will happily have a snuggle when the mood suits or if no-one else or other cats are watching. He has a cry as gentle sounding as a graceful swan, loves to curl up on the comfy chairs and enjoys the garden and outdoors especially during moonlit nights and can be found wandering through the forest with the stealth of a black panther.
One of our Cats many years ago, ‘Jasper Kittys’ came home with three tiny spitfire kittens in November 2009. Two were re-homed but it seemed that Esmeralda was to stay with us. Her skills have started at an early age, at two months old she had found the crystal ball on the altar and was playfully rolling it across the floor. When reading, she will perch on your shoulder and peer into the book and tap on the pages. Her other interests are watching us sleep, when she has had enough of that we are awakened with a gentle slap of her paw! (Her mother was forever tapping us with her paws, like mother - like daughter) Esmeralda is also known as Kitten Smitten or Schmiddy-da-dee-dee and has developed into a strong willed Witches cat who loves to be involved in all Arts and Crafts and she is filled with mischief, mayhem and magick and the howl of a banshee.
3/11/04 - 22/8/24
Frankie aka Frankie Petrovski or Frankie Angel. This is the Cat Gangster of the group, the one who sorts out the Catnip and makes sure that the others pay up with their kibble. Generally a happy soul full of excitable energy, Frankie likes to get "high" in all the right places. Roof tops, trees and the attic are his places of work. Now that he is an older cat his daily routine includes helping out in the Black Bear Apothecary room, ensuring treats are given on time and generally chillaxing wherever he can find a comfy spot. A Scorpio, Frankie always tends to look a little ruffled...
This fella was a rescue wild kitten that we found in the middle of a busy carpark and main road back in 2021. He was dashing between moving vehicles and leapt into the bushes to which I leapt in after him (not very delicately or lady-like I can tell you) but after a few meows to each other (while I am trying not to panic and will all the vehicles around us to freeze) he toddled out and into awaiting arms. No one claimed him nor cared, so with a vet check, Bach rescue remedy and lots of treats and kitty kibble he is now one of the pack, litter, tribe, clan...May we introduce Freddie Claws, approx birthdate October 4th 2021. So far his skills apart from being very cute and a real delight in our family include hiding in the pantry in the hopes of being locked in with the food, he can shred paper in a second leaving a trail of debris and pouncing on Arthur Pendragon whenever he can and he seems very drawn to the Apache chilies.
Loki is our Wycksted model who features throughout our website. Loki by name, Loki by nature. Mischievous and a trickster, as a kitten, Loki would encourage the other cats to do his bidding and sit back and watch the fun, or chaos! Loki is very much a cat with an old spirit. He feels he was born from a long line of Felines who ruled with their Egyptian Kings and Queens. His past times include observing life while sitting up high looking down on his fellow felines, passing judgement to those who deserve his wrath, having his photo taken and watching the Moon as it rises in the skies.
May we introduce our latest addition, Sami Bear. This little Dude popped into our lives one Friday night back in August 2022. A semi-wild cat with no one to claim or love him, but delighted to say that we have happily embraced him into our Cat family, although the other cats are a bit bewildered for now. He was covered in ticks and fleas and has now been given the paws up from the Vets after his checkup and neuter. Approx 8 months in age his given birthdate is a Capricorn 27/12/21. A very affectionate cat that turns wild at any fast movement or noise, he has a lot of love to give and lots of adventure before him as do we!
Any Donations will be greatly appreciated and a big paws up from those who you are helping. At Wycksted we believe in helping any animal that needs our support and care no matter what breed they are. We also Donate to the World Wildlife Fund, and Greenpeace as our way of helping and supporting the great work that they all do. We also donate to the Idaho Black Bear Rehabilitation in Idaho, USA.
They are doing some fantastic work in saving the bear cubs and bears, so be 'bearwise' and give them a helping paw. We have also adopted a Grizzly Bear named Coram from the Grizzly and Wolf Discovery Centre in Yellowstone and three Wolves from the Wolf Sanctuary in Pennsylvania, USA.
To Donate to Wycksted, payments can be made to - Wycksted, ANZ, 01-0381-0111109-00.Please include your name as a reference should you like to although we do have anonymous helpers as well.
If you need a receipt please email us and let us know so we can send one out to you. If you would like to donate to any of the great Animal places listed above, simply click on the links to go directly to their websites.