(Salix alba)
Aka Celtic Saille, Liamin, Salicyn, Sallows, Tree of Enchantment, Witches Aspirin and Withy.
Willow is one of the revered Celtic Zodiac Trees and is a symbol of fertility and new life as a willow branch can be planted in the ground and a new tree will grow in its place. Add Willow to divination, healing, love, protection and strength spells and magick. It can help bring wisdom to a situation and oneself.
Willow helps to release grief and comforts and protects when working with death and is a tree of the Crone and sacred to the Goddesses of Death and the Underworld including Brigid, Cailleach, Circe, Hecate, Hera and Persephone. Bear will seek this herb out when needed. Organic 20gm.