St Johns Wort 20gm


(Hypericum perforatum)

Aka Hyper-icon, Hypericum, Tipton Weed. Some say it is named after John the Baptist and that red spots symbolizing blood appear on the fresh leaves on the anniversary of his beheading however this is only one of its later names as this plant has been known well before the Christian era.

A herb associated with light, rebirth and solar energies, it is a favourite for the Summer Solstice celebrations. Used in spells and magick for courage, divination, fertility, healing, love and protection. Place amulets and sachets of St John’s wort in the home to guard against and banish negative and evil spirits.

Precaution - a herb used to help treat anxiety and depression however it can interact with other medications. Not for use by pregnant women, those who are trying become pregnant or breastfeeding. Organic 20gm.