Ritual and Spell Candles

Various candles for various needs. Nowadays we are fortunate enough to have mass selections of coloured, shaped, sized and even scented candles that are made from paraffin wax and beeswax. Definitely a lot more pleasant to work with as candles were traditionally made from tallow, which is made from rendered bovine or mutton fat. These candles even thou they worked their magic and created light during the time they were needed, were somewhat smelly and smoky. For extreme Traditionalists thou', there is no other. We hope to have a candle or three that you can add to your own Witches cupboard and kit.

Candles can be inscribed with a symbol and anointed with their corresponding Magickal oils. Candles for Animal Magic, help with vision work and spirituality, candles to encourage strength and coloured candles for a specific purpose are always good to have on hand. Happy spellcasting...

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62 results