Hag Bottle


Hag bottles are filled with all manner of dried herbs and sharp objects such as a pins, needles, thorns and nails to impale evil as well as a quartz crystal to deflect negativity. These bottles were made to protect oneself and home from any negativity that was directed at them during the course of their life from various energies, living and not. They would also be filled with fluids of the owners choosing to enhance the potency of these bottles. (This is entirely at your discretion as to what you choose to add...just ensure the lid is placed back on securely.)

The charm is a silver coloured metal pentacle and symbolises the Elements, protection, healing and strength. The Hag bottle is placed up high in the home where it will not be disturbed and/or handled by others, alternately bury your Hag bottle into the earth in a corner of your section. 

One Glass Hag bottle only, approx 10cm in height. Please note - candle and props not included. Contains sharp objects, keep away from pets, children and prying eyes.