Hawthorn Berrys 20gm


(Crataegus oxycantha) 

Aka Crataegus, Fairy Tree, Haw, Hawberry, Huath, May-Tree, Quickthorn,  Thornapple or White Thorn.

A tree of Beltane, enchantment, fertility, love and protection. In Celtic Mythology it is one of the most sacred trees and the realms of the Fae.  Hawthorn is used in fertility, happiness and protection spells and magic and celebrations of marriage, handfastings and unions.

Known as a Fairy tree as Fairies live under the Hawthorn as its guardians and protectors. The whole tree including berries, leaf and flowers are sacred and favourites of Druids, Fae and Witches. Organic Berry's, 20gm.